If a resident task which contains in itself the activity of behaviour blocker is started, then all the operations of the operating system are monitored.
At an attempt of performing any suspicious operation the resident protection will display a warning and will delay the performing of the operation in question until the user informs to it what to do.
The warning contains a text box with the name of the file, with which the suspicious operation was to be performed. Furthermore, it contains three buttons:
If you click on the "OK" button, the operation will be performed with the file. Other possible suspicious operations with the file will be announced as well,
The "OK & Ignore" button will permit the operation in question, and the RGW32 program will not advise the user of any operations with the file in question till its termination and restart,
The "Cancel" button will inform the program that it should restrain the performing of the operation in question. After your pressing it the program will not enable the performing of the operation and, of course, it will also inform the user every next attempt of performing the dangerous operation with the file in question.